I was able to find a link to see some pictures. It is www.klvi.com
I have seen things locally in our home town, but was not able to see Galveston and the beach where out beach house was located. It is very hard to even know from these pictures, but were able to see the extent of the destruction. Really, it is all material things and the important thing is that people are safe.
Well now it is 2 a.m. Tues. morning. Had a hard day with Annabel. Having tummy issue and vomiting today. She loves home and this traveling is not the best for her. Routine is what she thrives on! We did go to the ER and after 3 1/2 hours with 12 still in front of us, decided to try back tomorrow or maybe some acute care center with less waiting. The ER people were doing all they could and found a waiting area for us where no others were. They said possibly we would not even get to a room until 7 a.m. She is asleep and will see what tomorrow brings. Our pediatrician is so wonderful at home. He stayed for the last hurricane and answered phone to give advice 3 years ago. Will try him in the morning and see what to do.
Later in the evening we were able to view arieal views of Crystal Beach and zoom in on our road, and maybe five house standing on our side and our was gone. I am not dwelling on this as to there is so many things more important. I talked with a friend in Galveston today and was told it is everything the media is saying and worse. They have lost everything and this is where they lived. But as they said no one is hurt and that is important.
We know that all at home are doing everything to get us back and our city up and running. It is not safe to be there with no power or water supply. We are just in the way and they ask that we stay out so their job can be done. We are comfortable her and have all extended family with us. Thank you to all who have called or emailed or commented on the post!
Sorry for the delay in the post, but Verizon towers have been very busy and that is my internet source. I am also busy trying to make sure the kids are settled and all are entertained and happy!

A very sweet friend from home offered to take these photos of Annabel. I am so thankful for her offer, and she took so much time with Annabel. This is one of over a hundred plus photo and also the one on the sidebar. Thank you, Carolyn! Hoping ya'll are safe from the storm.
So thankful to see a post. I have been hoping you all made it out safely. I'm so sorry for the losses you have experienced from this storm, but I am SO grateful your family is safe. I know you know that you can survive anything as long as your children are safe. I will pray for Annabel as she must adjust to being out of her home for a little while. Hopefully her tummy will settle and she will be able to find some excitement in this little "adventure". Please e-mail if you need anything. We are only 2 short hours from Dallas and it would be my pleasure to help in anyway. Take care. Trish
I am so very thankful that you all are okay and comfortable. I have been so concerned for you and all the people who are enduring this. I am so sorry for the losses and pray that the worst is over for you. Praying for sweet Annabel to adjust and get back on track with her poor tummy. I forget how fragile she is when I look at those adorable pictures. I will continue to pray for you as your lives get back to some sort of normal in the days and weeks ahead. I just can't imagine how hard this all is!! God's peace to you and your family Cathy, I love you girl.
Laurie in Ca.
Dear Cathy,
Praying for little Annabel's tummy upset. Hoping she is all ready feeling better.
I am so sorry that you have to go through all of this. Praying for you to have that peace that passes all understanding as you forge ahead trying to get your lives back on track.
Thank you for keeping us updated.
On the news segment of the 700 Club they showed Operation Blessing volunteers feeding the first responders in BEAUMONT. Praising God you are all in a hotel safe and cool.
Thank you for being such an amazing example of a woman of God as you have keep your priorities in order even during this trying time you and your neighbors are experiencing.
I am sorry that you lost your beach house. I could tell from the pictures how much Annabel and your family enjoyed spending time together there.
On a lighter note, the pictures of Annabel are precious! She is so beautiful!!!
Im glad you all made it safe. What a horrible storm. Praying for this to end and everyone to get settled in
I miss her, I miss her I miss her. Lauren misses her more. I cannot wait to see you.
Love you dearly
Please stay gone for at least two weeks. We now have electricity but the sewer and water are horrible. The lines are really long for gasoline (if you can find it) and very few people are allowed to grocery shop at one time. Most schools are closed for the rest of this week and probably next week also. Plus, we are still under a curfew (8pm-6am). several have been arrested for being outside after curfew. Gilchrist and Crystal beach looks like a bomb went off.
So glad to hear that you are safe, but so sorry to hear about your home and beach house! But, you are right, that they are just things and that what's important is that everyone is safe and well!
I'm sorry that Annabel isn't feeling like herself! I hope that she'll be feeling well soon! I'll be praying!
I love the pictures!!! Adorable!!
So glad you are safe! I pray that Annabel will be able to adjust to her new surroundings quickly. I can't imagine what your area went through. Here in Ohio we are mostly without power and supplies are being brought in. Ike sure did a number on the US.
Praying for you all.
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