Annabel is definitely feeling better. I can always tell when we are getting back on some sort of routine. I guess that is why I always seem to be more comfortable in a routine because it means things are good. She is happy most of the time, looking uncomfortable very little. She is able to begin to practice eating different textures, i.e. refried beans and rice or Oreo cakesters. Hey, I didn't say we practice with healthy foods.

She was also very content sitting in her tomatoe chair watching her Signing Time videos or Backyardigan cartoons. She also enjoyed playing with her toys on her tray.
Today was what we refer to as "Therapy Thursday"!

Annabel is sitting so well on her own. We do have to still be on guard sitting close by. She was able to sit alone on the platform while being swung. She was all smiles.
Then Rebecca, her speech therapist that works with her on feeding issues, applied the V-stem, to help with oral muscle stimulation. Her therapy consisted of eating a Twinkie! My kind of therapy.

Next up was Melanie, her O.T She began with swinging on the platform and some massage therapy. Annabel was in heaven! She then practice her handwriting, ha. After this it was downhill.

She first slid sitting up then head first. The idea was that when Annabel reached the bottom of the slide she would use her arms to push and her legs to get her off. As you can tell, she would just rather lay and relax. No rest for the weary, it was on to the races.

Annabel came in first! You can see Melanie brought up the rear.

Last up was Haley, her P.T. Annabel has to go easy on her, she is with child. They worked on strenghtening her arms on the ball and the sitting on the turtle. By the end she was not quite as smiley, but she was so cooperative! As you can tell by the end of the session it was LIGHTS OUT! This happened before hitting the freeway.