
Friday, March 27, 2009


I am writing to make a plea for this precious family in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex. She is 30 weeks along and is finding no help/hope for her baby girl. She is diagnosed with Trisomy 18 and diaphragmatic hernia. She was told that if their baby would not have Trisomy 18 that they could operate immediately to remove pressure from the lungs and heart. We all know the reality of this terrible diagnosis. But we do know that there are those that survive! She needs help and she needs hope. I am a firm believer that if God wants this beautiful child home he will take her right away. If she has a chance at surviving, it is my prayer that someone will step in with the name of a professional that can help this family. I am going to copy her letter her so you can all read it. Please if anyone can offer help with information you can comment and I will pass this onto the family.


After meeting with a new doctor, I really thought we would find some hope. Apparently not. Be are told that because of our baby's diagnosis, there isn't a doctor who will touch her. Our little girl has full T18 and a diaphragmatic hernia. In healthy babies, they would perform a hernia surgery almost immediately to relieve the pressure on the lungs so the baby can breathe. But with a baby who has T18, forget it. I am crushed that the doctors won't even give her a chance. That's all I want for her - to have at least a chance at life, and we are being turned away meeting after meeting. I even got a few phone numbers for Dr. John Carey, if you have heard of him, but haven't heard back from him to see if he can shed some light on anything. I hate to give up, but maybe we just don't' have the resources to get what we need. I am at 30 weeks now, and the doctors are fairly sure she will come early, probably anytime before 37 weeks. I feel like I am running out of time. If you have any thoughts, let me know. Otherwise, thanks for listening. I know you understand.


Above is a picture of Annabel. Just a reminder that this is what we were told had no chance at life. Take her home and love her, she will die! SHE IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH LIFE! God gave her life and he must be the only one to take that life. Praying that someone will be God's hands here on Earth!