WARNING: Fairly graphic post. I hope the details aren't too much, but I am soooo excited!Tonight was a huge night in our home. I have always dreaded potty training with my 5 other children. I don't think I was very good at this. I guess since I have been told that this would not be something Annabel would accomplish, I have become very lax at even the thought. Really, honestly probably was relieved that I would not have to take on this challenge with another child. Lately, I have been noticing that when I lay Annabel down to cath her and say lets tee-tee, she sometimes begins doing it. Now Annabel has problems in this area. She has much trouble releasing the urine. She strains very much just to release about 1/4 of her output. The other 3/4 comes through cathing her. Also, a few time when I knew she needed to have a BM, I would encourage her and help rub her tummy and help her with her legs with pushing.
On a few occasions lately, she would have success. After dinner this evening I laid her down to cath her and thought why don't I sit her on the potty and see what happens. Very quickly after placing her there (pictures to follow) I could hear her faint dribble of urine. She was so proud and knew she was doing good. Soon after this came the BM.
I am so sorry to be so graphic out in the blog world. Not only were we told our babies with T18 would not survive, but that they would not accomplish much. Annabel is turning 3 1/2 years old and she is not so far behind in some areas. Yes this is only one time. I may end up the one being trained or it may be hit or miss, but she still understood and had intention to do this.
This little one continues to amaze us each day. I would love one day to never have to cath her again, for her sake mostly. I don't know if this will ever happen, but tomorrows to do list is a potty chair, of course!
Just when our days sometime get too much or become the same old thing day after day, God show his goodness and brings good things to give us hope. To some this maybe such little hope but to us it is HUGE! Thank you, Jesus!