Several people have inquired that I have not made a post in a few days. I keep thinking that I want to be positive but lately my emotions have been a little down. I really know I am just tired, but I really just want everyone to think that it is always a great day here! I never want anyone to think that I am not so completely blessed by the gift God has given to us. I am so unbelievably BLESSED! On Monday night Annabel was very congested and has been having a fairly tight cough. I am sure it is just allergies. No need to see a dr. since we have been and continue to be on antibiotics. We have been so blessed not have many colds this winter, that I am sure this is just our good ole Southest Texas air. She is up almost every hour and crying out like she is uncomfortable. She wants to suck her paci but can't with the congestion. We are still praying that when the antibiotic is discontinued on Sunday that she will stay clear. With her being sick and myself not being full of energy, we are having some great snuggly time at home. Sometimes it is nice to not have any plans and just stay in our p.j.'s. Thank you for all the comments on the blog and I am truly grateful for the love sent Annabel's way. This picture is one of my favorites. It was taken in July, 2007. Due to her not feeling so well, I have not taken any pictures.