Just wanted to thank you for praying. Her fever is still going up, but it does respond to the Tylenol. So she is playful for about 2 hours then back to sleep for a couple more. I am hoping soon that the antibiotic will kick in and we will see a difference for longer periods of time. The feeding tube is good in the fact that I was able to keep liquids flowing during the night. When I went to check on her this morning about 8:00 a.m. at first glance she looked like she was a snow angel. Then I realized she was having a febrile seizure since her eyes were like saucers and she was very stiff. When she relaxed again she just continued to shake. She has had these on occasion with a temperature but they quickly resolve. I am attaching a photo of Annabel with her sister Tara. You can see the adoration is mutual.
What a precious picture. Still praying for your family!
She is just beautiful! My prayers are with her and your family. Please do pass her some kisses from myself and my family. A side note, my little Elena came in and saw her picture and said "pretty baby". :)
I love that sweet face. Lauren and I are spending the weekend together so let us know if you need anything.
Ahh... she loves her Tara. How sweet!
~Lauren (LaLa)
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