Please forgive that fact that the photos are sideways. I am going to have to figure out how to change them. I do know how to rotate them but these appear to be at the right angle on preview. Oh, well! Just wanted to say thank for all the nice comments! Also, quickly wanting to say that Annabel is doing well. Better than we have seen in a long time.
Maybe this weekend I can get some better pictures, but I was amazed today at how long she is getting.
Oh! Her smile! Gives me one immediately! And doesn't she look so pretty and girly and un-hospital-like on that blanket with the toys! Love it!
Thank you! Barbara
That smile is the best thing I have seen all day, heck, all week!!!
And, who cares if the pictures are sideways or upside down! Her smile radiates across the whole page, no matter which way it is turned!
God is so good to bring that smile to you! I can almost "hear" the relief in your voice.
What precious pictures of sweet Annabel!!! So happy to hear that she is doing well! Love, Hugs and Prayers!!!
There is nothing more beautiful than a pain free, smiling little beauty! This has started our weekend off with a bang!
The Bonds
Thanks Cathy! These pictures are the perfect way to start my weekend! Blessed!
Praying for continued comfort and joy for you both. Love you girls!
Just want to share that when I read the comments the Bonds comment was not there. Within five minutes we basically said the same thing. Pointing this out Cathy so you can see what an incredible influence your precious girl is to all of us.
Thank you so very much for sharing your amazazing girl with us even when it only adds things on your all ready very long "to do" list. You are appreciated. You are loved.
Make that "amazing" please. Haven't had my second cup of coffee yet. ;)
So glad to see that precious angel feeling better and smiling again :) Constantly thinking of and praying for you guys.
Susan Brewer
yes she is indeed really long! first time we're seeing her laid full length. am so thankful she did well coming out of surgery.
Her smile was just what I needed, cant wait to have her in my arms.
That special little smile just made my day! I am so glad to see that Annabel is healing and recovering well. I hope everyone includin you are getting to relax and enjoy a bit.
Can't wait to see pix of Annabel in her new wheels!
She looks so proud of her new chair.
Love Susan
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