What a special day tomorrow will be. It is more than hard to believe that Annabel will be turning 5 years old. As the title of this post says "God's Precious Miracle" as we all know they are miracles to even be alive according to statistics. But as God has sent her from Heaven, He knows, He has numbers the days of her life, He created her for His purpose and we are all blessed by her presence. So many of you have reached out to our family, you have held Annabel in the palms of your hands through your prayers. I believe she is here because of your faithful prayers. Today's post is just a reminder of her very early beginnings. Thank you all dear friends. If any of you would like to post a message to Annabel it would be very appreciated for her Birthday wish tomorrow.
Happy Birthday sweet girl! You are amazing and so is your mama! I hope and pray you have a wonderful birthday with many more to come! Much love!
What a precious miracle! Happy 5th Birthday sweet Annabel! Hope you have a wonderful day! Love and Hugs!!!
Happy Birthday Princess Annabelle.May you have glorious day and many more to come your way.You truly are one of GODS miracles and have brought lots of joy and happiness to many people.May you continue to shine.You have taught many people that if you can do it so can they.And that is a lot for a precious lil angel to do in a short amount of time.Much love
I wish your amazing warrior Princess the most wonderful birthday ever!
Sweet Annabel it is hard for me to believe how much I love you even though I have never personally set my eyes on you. I have never held you except in my prayers. You are such a marvel precious girl, so strong, such a fighter, such a sweet love with the most beautiful smile.
You are turning five. An amazing milestone. You are such a joy!
I thank your mom for sharing you with all of us.
Your family adores and loves you in a such a strong, protective and powerful love. Your mom is your biggest fan, promoter and advocate. I wish every child in this world was surrounded in such a loving cocoon. Your brothers and sisters adore you and the way you look at them melts my heart.
Happy Fifth Birthday beautiful girl!!!
(thanks so mom to mommy's wonderful pictures)
Meant to say...
Thanks so much to your wonderful mom for all the pictures.
Truly Cathy, thank you so much for sharing your sweet girl.
Praying for many, many more birthdays...
Wow... Five years old!!! As a mommy of a little girl who had Trisomy 18 (and who's first birthday is next week,) I truly understand what a blessing you are! Happy birthday, and many, many more to come! Amazing!
She is such a precious girl!!! Happy birthday My Bella~ Love ya!
Congratulations and warmest Birthday wishes for precious Annabel and her family! What a wonderful milestone. I hope you have a birthday filled with laughter, love, joy and fun. We will be celebrating too as our daughter with t18 is 18 months old tomorrow. Your precious girl is an inspiration. Thank you for sharing her experiences through this blog. All the Best Annabel!
Marianne & Nalah
Happy Birthday!
I'm sure with your family alone, it will be a celebration to remember.
Health and Happiness!
Happy 5th birthday precious Annabel! Wow, to say that you are a miracle is such an understatement!! You are beautiful beyond belief and it is SO evident that God has a very special plan for your life. You have given so many mamas and daddies hope for their precious little ones and we are so grateful for each day that you grace us with your presence. Five years- what a milestone. Thank you for sharing your life with us and allowing God to use your family in a big way to testify to God's goodness, faithfulness and MIRACLES. You are beautiful and SO LOVED!
Happy birthday you big girl :)
Love you,
I noticed that there a few new names. I clicked on the name to see if you had a blog and only a few did. If you didn't I didn't have a way to contact you to say thank you for taking the time to write to Annabel for her birthday. Also, I know you are all busy and especially means so much to me as her mom.I saw that some of you mothers have special children stil here on this earth, others who babies are with Jesus in Heaven. Some names are so familiar I have to remember that we have never met face to face. We all know one day we will!
Happy 5th birthday Annabel! You have touched our lives just by being alive. You are such an amazing girl to have made it this far. You are a champion!
Happy Birthday Annabel!!!!
Annabel it is your birthday (you are now a handful-5 fingers)but you are the gift to my entire family! Enjoy your birthday, and we continue to pray for many more! Janell Ford
Happy birthday, sweet Annabel! I'm so glad you are here!
Happy 5th Birthday sweet girl :)
Happy 5th Birthday Bella. it seems like only yesterday we were laying on the couch after i came home from high school and "playing" xbox together and all i had to do to get you to go to sleep was lay down with you on my chest. You live by the Army Engineers motto better than I do "ESSAYONS" means "Let Us Try". They said you would never make it this far, that you would never be able to see, that you would never be able to hear...and you have proved them all wrong, keep staying strong and proving the doubters wrong sweetheart. You are truly an Angel sent down to us.
I'll be home from this sandbox in 6 months and I can't wait to see your smile and hear your laughter again Bella. I love you and miss you so very much.
With lots of Love,
US Army
Combat Engineer
OIF 09-10-Camp Taji,Iraq
~*Happy Birthday Annabel*~ You sure have blessed my life girl and being five years old is quite special. You are so special to me and I love you.
Love and Hug, Laurie
Happy Birthday sweet Annabel! I follow you from Jackson, MS. You are a very special and beautiful little girl. Your sweet smile warms my heart. You are such a miracle!
Happy Birthday Annabel, you have touched the lives of so many!
Tyler, thank you for the sweet entry you wrote to your sister. It meant everything to me today when you called her to wish her a happy birthday. Tonight as we celebrate, your picture will be right in the middle of the table besides the cake. You are always present with us and can't wait for you to be home safely. Thank you for your words. You reassure me that Annabel was meant to be our family and that we have all grown and learned so much for this Angel sent from Heaven. We love you, my soldier boy, I mean man!
Happy Birthday, Annabel! I hope you all have a lovely day, and that you enjoy it and your enchanting smile will be much in evidence!
Happy Birthday, Precious Annabel. You are a beautiful miracle from God, and I am so thankful I am able to pray for you. May you have many many more years with your family who loves you so much!!
Alright,the post from Tyler made me cry almost as much as knowing it is AMAZING ANNABEL'S FIFTH BIRTHDAY!!!
Sweet child, you have been a God-send to me and countless others, and I've never even met you in person:)
Momma, you are amazing. This is your birthday celebration,too, because you have been right there fighting for her, fighting to help her reach this day against all odds!
Have the happiest birthday in the history of birthdays!!!!
Happy Birthday little girl! Thank you for opening our hearts and minds - you have shown so many people what it means to love and be loved. God only gives us gifts of miracles like you once in a great while, and it's been an honor get to know you and your momma. Please wrap your arms around yourself (or maybe momma can do this for me) and squeeze gently - that's a big hug from us.
Love, the Knowles Family
Happy birthday Annabel!! I hope you have a wonderful birthday and we are still praying for you. You are such a miracle and we love you!!!
Happy 5th birthday to you,Annabel Grace! May God bless you and your family on this special day. I hope our little Annabel Leigh has lots of birthdays for us to celebrate also. God loves you so much. Love and prayers,Cynthia
Oh how the years have flown by! Happy 5th Birthday Annabel... you are the light in my life. I think back to the beginning when you were so tiny and grey that I was too scared to hold you. Now here you are over 25 pounds and as strong as can be. I believe from the bottom of my heart that you have given me direction in life. I don't know that I would have go back to school if I didn't take care of you during the day. I don't know that I would have even taken my amazing job if you hadn't started school. It is as if things are falling into place within our lives and making me a better person for it. I am honored and grateful to call you my sister. I know that I am not at the house with you every day any more, but I think about you all the time and all that we have been through together from driving to Salt Lake City, going to therapy in Houston, flying back alone together... you name it! You have experienced more in the short time that you have been alive than most people get to in their lifetime. I just want you to know that the days or months or years that we have left together will be some of the best times of my life and I am happy to say that you are a part of it. Your small footprints have left a permanent impression on my life so I just want you to know that I love you and am looking forward to this day next year.
With all the love in my heart,
Happy Birthday, sweet Annabel!!! I hope you have a fun 5th birthday! Although I haven't commented on your blog before, I have been praying for you and your family! Many blessings to you and your family on this exciting day! Lots of love!
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