
Saturday, March 13, 2010

I am crazy...

Now I know I am going crazy...A sweet friend just wrote to say how sorry she was that we were in the hospital so made me question if I actually ever said we are home. So I just checked and I did say we were home. The day after she opened her eyes and woke she has been so good every day since. I guess she just needed a long winters nap!

The doctor upon discharged just put everything on this Protesus(sp) bacteria. The vomiting, fever, sleeping and of course the UTI. In short I am back to cathing her all the time except when sleeping. She is eating (by g-tube) well and just a happy little girl.

So sorry for forgetting to update and thank you to Lisa for letting me know.


ANewKindOfPerfect said...

I thought you were still in also! I am glad to hear you're not. I'm sorry you are back to cath'ing all day, but if it helps ... ((hugs))

The VW's said...

Glad to hear she is home and doing well! Love and Hugs!!!

Kim said...

thinking of you and Annabel tonight and wanted you to know.
Sweet Annabel - she makes me melt.....

Janet said...

You are SO not crazy, just one tired Momma!
So glad y'all are home.
Much, much, much love and just as many prayers!

Kathy said...

Praying for Annabel to remain healthy and stable. She is such a little warrior how quickly she recovers!

Hope mommy recovers as fast! God bless you girls!!!