What a catch!!!
Colette, Brianna and Carly...
Shaunna (Annabel's cousin) sharing with Annabel all about life...
James (cousin) and Uncle Carl having fun in the pool...
Fishing and crabbing on the dock...
We are having a good time at the beach. The house is actually on the bay side so it is so nice to just sit on the porch and enjoy the views. I will just post a couple pictures today and then later possible do a slide show of our week. My parents have joined us and also my brother and his two children. His wife will be flying in this evening to join us until Sunday.
As far as Annabel she won't be her smiley self in all the pictures. She is not feeling as well as usual. It became obviously that she was getting another UTI on Monday so before heading out her pedi did her culture. She definitely has an infection but the culture results won't be back until today. It is so hard to watch her be in such discomfort. There will need to be more permanent procedure, that we know. She hold over 100 cc after urinating on her own consistently.
Hope every is having a great summer as it is going all too fast. The trisomy or SOFT conference is beginning tomorrow and I am sad not to be there to see old friends and meet new ones! But so important to spend this time with my family.
Hey Cathy!
Looks like great fun! Do you guys have the whole place or is that a condo building? Beautiful! So many places to sit, relax, visit, eat (well, it is vacation, right?!?)
So sorry to hear of Annabel's latest UTI but not a surprise to you, I know. Hope the antibiotics kick it out immediately so she can enjoy her family time.
Your entire family is gorgeous! It's so fun to see Annabel with her cousins. All are so adorable.
I know you are truly missing everyone at the conference but people will fill you in on new info and how sweet it will be to see everyone next year.
Relax, enjoy, and relax some more. Love you girls!!!
Hi sweet friend! Oh so good see your sweet girl hanging out with the family! Looks like you all had a great time and the weather just looks warm and ohhh the sound of the water rushing the shoreline! Wish I were there! I am so sorry about Little Miss and the un-welcomed UTI. Oh I wish we had a huge eraser to just wipe it out! Will be praying she heals quickly! Miss you friend and we have to get caught up now that we are both back! Miss you!!!
Hope you have a wonderful time Cathy and I am so sorry to hear about another UTI for Annabel. I hate those things. Praying it goes away soon. Enjoy this time with family. Love you.
Love and Hugs, Laurie
WOW! THat house is amazing!!! I am so glad you are having some get a way time. You girls need it. Annabel looks beautiful, as always. Your whole family is gorgeous!
What a glorious house! A wonderful place to spend the summer. Sorry to hear Annabel isn't feeling quite so well, but I'm sure the antibiotics will deal with it. Can she have cranberry juice? That's what they recommend here when people have them - maybe a little diluted might help her feel less uncomfortable?
Looks like you are all having fun. I love that house too. Hang in there! Every moment and every smile matter.
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