Annabel's days...

Not much to say. She feels good and so I spend my time entertaining her. Most of the time when she is in the hospital she doesn't feel so well. Normally I don't get her out of the room when she is here but it is boring so we made a visit to the playroom. She also loves to visit the fish.
so sorry that the princess is in the hospital. i like seeing pix of her tho! kaiya loves to visit the fish when we go to her doc appointments! hope the lil miss starts feeling better. we will definitely miss seeing you this year! i'll take lots of pix tho and send them to you.
Still on my heart Cathy. She looks good.
What a roller coaster we live on sometimes!! I am so sorry that you are in the hospital but so happy that Annabel is feeling okay. She looks like she have grown a bit..... her face just loooks like it is going through one of those phases of growing. I am so blessed to pray for Annabel daily.
Praying that this will be a short and easily managed stay for both you and Annabel.She looks like she's making the most of her stay by making her rounds,I'm glad that she is up for that. Grace and peace be with you!!
I continue to pray for Annabel and for you Cathy. I hope she is home soon and feeling in the pink again soon. I love you girls.
Love and Hugs, Laurie
I hate that Annabel is in the hospital, but I bet that her beautiful smile and spirit are touching all those she comes in contact with!
Love to you both and the rest of the gang!
I'm so glad she feels better! I hope you guys are on your way home soon.
So glad this hospital visit is different and she is able to go see the fish! :) Something different to look at than the boring white walls in the hospital. I am hoping she gets out soon! Praying for you!! Hope things keep looking up for you 2!
She is adorable! I had a baby on March 25th who was diagnosed with Trisomy 18 two days after birth. We had no idea that anything was wrong until the day she was born. She lived for 15 days - the best 15 days of my life. I am inspired to see a child with T18 who has thrived so well. My thoughts are with Annabel and your family.
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