Today was a fairly good day. She had a few tummy aches but probably the addition of more milk. She was getting only 2 1/2 oz. every 8 hrs. and now they have increased it to 4 oz. every 6 hrs. The IV was not good any longer this evening so we are going to try to give her pedialyte in between feedings to give her liquids. They will probably make a decision when the c-diff results are back. Hopefully tonight or in the morning.
They will probably turn the epidural off tomorrow but leave the catheter in her back until later tomorrow or Wednesday. I am thinking that maybe by tomorrow afternoon she maybe allowed some baby food. The doctor mentioned a chance of going home Wednesday if everything went right.
We have also been moved out of PCU, which we loved all the nurses there! But we already have very sweet nurse here on the 11th floor tonight. I think there will be less noise at night and maybe we can make the room a little darker. She has been sleeping very lightly. Last night she wanted to party until 3 a.m. I began to give out around 1:30, so I slept in this morning til around 8 a.m. She didn't wake until around 10 a.m.
There is a sweet picture of Michele and Annabel, she is Annabel's milk mommy from this area. Not only did she bring Annabel some goodies (breastmilk) but she brought myself and the girls some beautiful cupcakes from Ooh La La. No, of course, I didn't just eat them for my lunch, no way! Michele give this beautiful gift of her milk to Annabel. She lost her precious, sweet Vivian in August. She also asked if there was anything she could do, or pick up for me or just run me around the block to get out. (This was tempting!) Thank you Michele for coming to the medical center and taking most of your day to keep us company.
I know I get tired sometime of getting on the internet, or just making a post. But I know it is everyones prayers that have carried Annabel thus far. Also, if Annabel's story give anyone hope then it is reason to keep on. But all of you out there, who comment, text, email, call or just read and pray, thank you! I probably have not responded back to you as I should and for this I am sorry, but know that you not only have carried Annabel this far but also you have carried me!
Oh, I've heard a lot about Michelle and her generous gift of milk - so sweet of her to come and see both of you. Annabel sure has a lot of people who love her. So do you!
Wow sooo good to have those visitors and they come right when they are needed! It just does my heart good to see little Miss smiling so! Thank you Michelle for stopping by to shower these two with your love! Still thinking and praying for you both!
Glad to hear that things are going well! I'm sure you will be so thankful to get home though! I'll keep praying for you both!
The gift that Michele gives to Annabel truly amazes me! What a loving and thoughtful thing to do for someone else! She is a blessing!
Michelle: If you read this post, know that many of us that Love
Annabel, or very grateful to your most wonderful gift.
Michelle is a hero! What a beautful, selfless gift! We send kisses and prayers for that beautiful baby!
So good to hear that Michelle came to visit and those cupcakes! YUM!
I agree with everyone that Michelle is a hero! What a beautiful gift to give our sweet Annnabel! Thank you Michelle for your selflessness!
I think Annabel looks amazing! We love when you post her beautiful little self for us to see! Wish I was there to party with you two!
Prayers continue!
So glad she is doing so good. Hope you can bring her hone soon. Take care and know we will never stop praying for our sweet little girl. lots of love
Even if you don't post Cathy, Annabel is still on my mind and in my heart. Please tell Michelle for me that her precious gift of her milk is a treasure. I do understand her heart for doing this. God bless her. Praying you girls home soon.
Love and Hugs, Laurie
What an amazing gift Michelle is giving to Annabel! That makes me melt. :)
She is looking great, I hope things continue to go smoothly and you are on your way home soon!
so great to see those big smiles!!! and now i have a taste for chocolate cupcakes...mmmmm
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