I have prayed that we would get into a pulmonary doctor soon to try to understand these changes going on with Annabel. We will be traveling to Houston on Wednesday to see the Pulmonary Dr. My biggest prayer for now is that I will come away with some sort of answer or reason for what is going on. I think this would help my nerves when these are going on if I knew if this was due to infection, structural changes, aspiration or just this Trisomy thing. She has had a few days and I thought things were improving. Sometimes I see one thing improve and then yet something else surfaces. We had a few days were we saw a decrease in the need for oxygen and that she was having less spells or episodes. But her spells are becoming more intense. Today she needed more oxygen and this evening earlier she had a fairly bad spell. We have begun to see blood in her mouth when she has the more intense spells. I am up tonight because already she had desated into the low 60's several times. She is taking much longer to get into the safe range. She has now begun to wake and become very scared. She is showing obvious sign of struggling when she stirs and the sats are still low. Normally, some people say that they would go to the hospital but with the oxygen here I don't think there is anything they can do for her there. She has been off the antibiotic for about 3 or 4 days now and I do think she is showing early sign that the UTI is coming back. This would be seven antibiotics within less than two months including two Rocephin shots.
I do know that so many of you think of Annabel so often and pray for her. If you think of her in the next couple days, please pray that we will get some direction into maybe the cause of these spells.
praying for your beautiful Annabel and for you and all your family x Barb.Melb.Aust
We love you Bella Belle! You and your Mama are the bravest fighters we know! You are always in our prayers!
The Bond Family
Praying for my little namesake, as always.
Praying for Annabel right now Cathy and for you too. This must be so frightening to not know and have to watch her struggle. Asking the Lord for answers and direction and His peace to cover you. I love you.
Laurie in Ca.
Oh Cathy, I wish I could be there with you. Im glad that you are at home, if you have the o2 and you are able to keep her hydrated, then home is where you should be.
I just wish I could be there with you.
Feel better sweet Annabel!
Praying for you guys! Hope you find out some much needed ANSWERS.
I'm praying!!! Give hugs to your sweet girl for me and one to yourself as well! I pray that you will get answers and that Annabel will get back to feeling better real soon! God Bless You!
We are so sorry to hear Annabel is having a hard time. We'll be praying for her and the rest of your family. Please get in touch, if there's anything we can do to help. I know how frustrating it can be to wait for answers.
I have been following this blog for several months now, but this is my first time to leave a comment. Just wanted you to know now that I am keeping your daughter in my prayers. She is a miracle and an inspiration to me. I have two kids of my own. Elise is 2 1/2 and Patrick is 4 months old. Reading about sweet Annabel's life always reminds me to slow down and thank the Lord for my two little blessings! :-) I know I don't know Annabel, but I love her very much and send up a prayer every night for her. Thank you for sharing your precious daughter with us all. Keeping Annabel in my prayers and praying that you get some answers from the pulmonary specialist.
Katie M.
North Carolina
Dearest Cathy and sweet Annabel,
Please know that I am praying for the pulmonolgists you are seeing tomorrow. I am asking that they fall in love with Annabel the moment they lay eyes on her. I am praying for God's wisdom for them so they can get to the bottom of her trouble and to know exactly how to treat it. I am praying and praising God in advance that Annabel will respond quickly and completely. I am praying she will be breathing easier faster than we all out here can say "Thank you Jesus"!
It is most likely that the blood in her mouth is from the very vascular throat area that must be very inflamed and sore for her right now. I am so sorry she is going through this with you having to feel like you are watcing helplessly. Hang in there girls, I believe you will be receiving answers soon! Always praying for that peace that passes all understanding, Cathy!
I am praying for your precious little girl. Praying that you will get answers. Praying she would be healed.
I know that Belle is so proud when she tinkles. I was told a little trick about emptying a bladder. Pretend that you are camping and lean waaaaaaaaaay over. Like elbows on your knees. Like when you are squatting out in the woods.
I hope you are able to get some answers tomorrow. We're praying for Annabel, and for you.
love, connie
I'll be praying for your appointment on Wednesday and that God would give the doctor's wisdom and through them you would have some clarity and concrete answers. Praying too, that God would just intercede and heal sweet Annabel in His power and might. The verse that comes to mind as I am typing is our Joshua's namesake verse..."Be strong and of good courage, do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9
Keeping you all in my prayers.
Love in Him,
Thank you all so much! Depending on what time we arrive back home will try to make a quick post with what the dr. says. Prayers are so much appreciated and I truly know that is why Annabel is with us today.
Cathy, we love you so and will be lifting you all up in prayer tonight and tomorrow and the next day! I am so sorry that this roller coaster is still going!
My heart is there with you yet breaks that I can not be there physically with you, to go with you on your appointments, be an ear and shoulder to lean, cry or just hug on!
As rain clouds bring showers, prayers bring blessings. As spring scatters flowers about, earnest prayer ensures mercies.
Their is profit in all labor, but most of all in the work of intercession. I am sure of this and have reaped it.
God does not always literally give what we ask for, but He does give what is best. If He does not give the mercy we ask for in silver, He provides it in gold. If He does not take away the thorn in the flesh, He says, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." 2 Cor 12:9
Be of good courage Cathy, remain strong in the shelter of His protection. He loves you, you are His daughter and sweet Miss Annabel is His!
"For we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.." Romans 8:28
You are truly loved here in Colorado!
Please have a save trip to Houston. My prayers are with you today.
Love Susan (Aunt Rooroo)
Praying for you guys today as you travel here to find out what is going on. I pray that they will have some answers for the spells that are happening... I'm so scared to hear that all this is going on... but I also know the Lord is our strength and our shield. He has her in His perfect care and somehow we have to trust that. Praying, praying, praying today!
love you guys!
Praying everyday for that sweet girl
Love you all, we are praying for you. Arianna sends a kiss, and a roll for Bells. I hope you get some answers quick, I know just what you are going through. Keep tough, and fight hard!!!
Yes somehow I just don't stop thinking about Annabel. You're absolutely right in that she's best cared for at home by you rather than in a hospital at this point. I pray that the journey to Houston does not take too much out of her, having to move again. Fingers doubly crossed for you and the dear little one.
Your Annabel is absolutely precious (as are all of your kids). We were told about your blog recently when my nephew, sweet Witt, was born last week with Trisomy 18. wittharrislupher.blogspot.com
Thank you for sharing her story! We are praying for her.
Hello, Cathy & Annabel,
My name is Briana Mueller, and you left a very sweet comment and sent your prayers on my blog recently. My daughter, Molly Kathryn, was a Trisomy 18 baby, too. She lived 56 days. We were so blessed to have those moments with her. I know you understand. I just appreciate you reaching out to us. We will certainly keep you all, and especially pretty little Annabel, in our hearts and prayers. Blessings,
Briana Mueller
akaiya and i will be thinking of annabel and praying that you get some answers soon. give the little girl a squeeze from her biggest fans in illinois :)
Oh Cathy,
So sorry to hear that Annabel is having some problems now. It sounds like you doing the right thing, going to the pulmnologist. I hope you get some answers. Please know that we are keeping you and Annabel in our thoughts and prayers.
Holly & Morgan
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