Cathy's side of the family...

Cousin's on Mel side of the family (Annabel was napping)

Mel's side of the family

Double Blessings....(they still look cute in their feetsy p.j's)

Meemaw and Grumpaw (Cathy's parents)

Our family with Tyler in our hearts!!!

Linzy and Derek

Annabel with her Christmas sweater from her Loma and Lanny

Tara and Derek after Christmas Eve Mass..

Meemaw with her soldier boy...

Annabel, Tara, Shauna (their cousin), Carly and Colette

Don't tell us she doesn't understand...

She is intently listening to her story...

All the way to the end...

Aunt Valeria's family, Corey and Molly

Aunt Paula and Uncle Carl


Annabel and Aunt Paula
Looks like you had a wonderful family Christmas, and I know Tyler will have thought of you as much as you thought of him!
Of course Annabel understands - she may not have speech, but you have told us before how well you and she communicate!
I love that Tyler was present in the family photos. What a beautiful family you are!! :)
I have to comment Cathy on your parents names. My son calls my mom Meemaw, and my dad Bumpa! When he is being grumpy, we call him Grumpa instead! LOL Too funny that you have the same names. :)
Merry Christmas Cathy and Annabel! Your family is lovely. What a blessing!
All the holiday pics are fabulous! Everyone looks so happy and healthy. Your twins are such beautiful girls. You are doubly blessed with them, as well as all your other children. Glad to see that Annabel enjoyed herself.
We wish you the very best in the new year!
Holly & Morgan
thanks so much for letting Annabel join our family for Christmas~ she brought a smile to everyone's face, and laughter into our day! luv her lots~ so glad i got to play with her all day! i was very lonesome~lol thanks again, hope you had a great holiday! oh and happy new year!!!
Cathy, what a beautiful family you have! How blessed you all are to have each other! And how blessed we are that you share your special times with us! Annabel just glows with all the joy and love that surrounds her.
Love how you include Tyler. Hope he can hop on the internet and see your post if he has not all ready done so.
What a beautiful family! God has been so gracious!!!
Merry Christmas!!! Wonderful pictures...especially how you included your son in them! Hugs!!!
Thanks for sharing you celebration and happiness Cathy.
It is always wonderful to see sweet Annabel's smiles.
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