Rhyder and his family desperately need prayers. He is not quite 3 weeks old and has Trisomy 18. I was so fortunate to visit with his family this past Thursday and I was able to hold him. He is having central apnea spells very quickly tonight and he has pulled through a few other times. They want so badly more time with their lil man, Rhyder. They do not have a blog, but are on facebook. His parents are Dave and Michele Anderson. You can request their names on facebook and follow Rhyders journey.

Update: briannagiveshope.blogspot.com
It was so good to hear from Brenda yesterday. My thoughts were with them as they held Brianna's memorial service. I so wanted to be there, but just not possible. She sounded wonderful. I loved hearing how beautiful the service was and how they have been so lifted up by family and friends. They are truly God's faithful servants and know she is in a better place. Of course they miss her terribly and that will not end. But to be at such peace, what an amazing gift. Please contine to visit Brianna's site for a video that her and Jerry made for the memorial. Also, when they recieve the video of the actual service they will also share this with all of Brianna's followers. Please keep them in your prayers as there will be times that are low and times that are high.

Annabel Leigh, Trisomy 18, 4 1/2 mths.
I talked with Annabel Leigh's father on Thursday about his precious little girl Annabel Leigh. I love the name.They were struggling with decisions. They are on hospice and they were making decision to do more interventions. She was retracting and they were trying to decide about taking her to the hospital to rule out respiratory or other issues. This is their first child and want to give her every chance they can. I have not spoken to him again and not seen an update on her blog. If you would like to visit this little Angel who is so full of joy her address is:
He has a blog now! http://rhyderanderson.blogspot.com/
it's amazing how many families you reach out to and inspire! what an awesome mommy annabel has!
we will definitely be keeping all of these families in our thoughts.
and we are always thinking of annabel and wishing we lived closer so we could visit!
Thank you for keeping us updated on these precious little ones and their wonderful families!
Hugs and kisses to our beautiful Princess Annabelwho has been blessed with an amazing mom and her own wonderful family.
Love you girls!!! xo
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