Just a short note to say how grateful we are that God has given Annabel four wonderful years on this Earth. She has blessed many people along her journey called life, especially my family. A huge thank you to all who have been a part of Annabel life in these past four years. It is not without you that she would have come this far.
On our very good days it is so hard not to get caught up in the fact that maybe Annabel will be with us, that somehow this Trisomy 18 thing will just skip over her. Maybe she will just slide right under the radar somehow! Well as I went to my mailbox today, the reminder was there. I received my SOFT newsletter (Trisomy newsletter)and in it is the reminder that three more Trisomy children have passed since our last conference in July 2008. They are Aaron Barg, Charlotte Hayes 3 1/2yrs., and Rowan Sibthorp (8 yrs.) Of course so many more infants that have gone on to Heaven also.
So as our hearts go out to those whose arms long to hold or hug their children and their loss is still so fresh, let us hug ours that God is still allowing to be here on this Earth for whatever reason, only He knows.
I will follow up with more party pictures but I would like to label them and have to put on a slideshow.
Happy Belated Birthday, Annabel. So cute, keep on smiling ...
What a celebration for a beautiful girl.
You described it so well Cathy. These very special and precious lives teach us more than anyone could imagine.
Thank you for sharing this big day and more importantly, for sharing Annabel's life with the world so that we can all benefit from the miracle of her life.
I hope Tara is feeling better...enough to eat some of that MASSIVE cake!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Annabel,
Cathy, I am so thankful that this sweet little girl has reached her 4th birthday! I know that it has not been an easy road to this milestone at times but what a joy to watch her thrive and bless so many. I hope her day was wonderful and that cake is just amazing!!! I love you girl and prayers continue for blessings.
Love and Hugs, Laurie
Tears in my eyes!!
Oh, praise God!!!!!!
I love you so much, and am very proud of you for all you have accomplished in your four short years. You are an inspiration to more than you may ever know. I think of you as soon as I wake and as I drift off to sleep each night. I miss you when you are at home, and feel selfish when you are with me and I do not share you with others. You are a miracle with each waking day, and I thank God for sharing you with me.
I've got sunshine on a cloudy day.
When it is cold outside, I got the month of May.
I guess you say what can make me feel this way: My girl, talking about Annabel, Annabel Annabel
We love you
Edie and Ben
Happy birthday, Annabel! And I do hope she will stay with you for many years to come.
I heard of the death of a Trisomy 13 baby just yesterday, little Evan. http://www.monicalynnb.blogspot.com/
Do pray for his poor parents, who had, I think, very little idea of what was wrong until after he arrived.
Happy 4th Birthday Sweet Annabel!!! You are one of God's greatest gifts!
We are a day late, but I can tell by the pictures you had a great day. Hope the cake was yummy and you were happy.
Take care,
yea!!! Happy Birthday, my angel... what a beautiful cake for such a beautiful little girl~ luv this pic~
~Lala (Lauren)
You are such a beautiful, inspringing and joyful inspiration to us all!
Thank you to your precious Mom for sharing these special moments and most of all for sharing you.
May the Lord continue to bless and keep you firmly in the palm of His hand.
Your mom shared much wisdom today.
Hoping Tara is feeling much better! And, as Annie said, that she was well enough to eat some of that beautiful (and delicious looking!)cake. Even the cake held wisdom! Loved the verse. It's good when cake can edify you spiritually as well as fill your sweet tooth! :)
Oops. Meant to erase "inspringing". Sorry.
Happy belated birthday sweet Annabel! We all love you so much!
What beautiful pictures. Obviously Annabel thoroughly enjoyed her special day. Tell me Cathy, where did you find that gorgeous birthday dress? Do they have a website?
Brenda Botts
Wow! She is such a haapy girl, Happy Birthday, we love you.
Jack Aunt Roo, Emily and Tyler
What an amazing little girl. It makes my heart happy to see her doing so well. Thank you for sharing.
Susan Brewer (Allie's mommy)
Sorry- I meant to post yesterday but, as usual "life happened"! Happy belated birthday sweet Annabel!
Happy Birthday, a sweet gift from God! I am so excited for you and your family! And, Cathy, I completely understand your feelings. I know that God will prepare you for whatever the future may hold. He can do amazing things!
Oh little Miss! In my hecticness I forgot and am SO SORRY!!!! Happy Belated Birthday little one! Oh Thank You Jesus for this little one's sweet life! Look at you princess, growing up so beautiful! I pray all was wonderful and a HUGE blessing as I know for sure it was! Looks like you enjoyed ever bit of it as you so so so deserve!!!! Thinking of you and thanks for sharing the pictures!!!!
Happy birthday beautiful Annabel! You look so pretty in your birthday dress. Amen for four years, and many many more!
Happy Birthday, a little late, to Miss Annabel. It's so wonderful to see you grow!
Beautiful, precious girl!!
Happy Birthday Annabel!
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