Annabel's health is better. She is eating well and her energy level is almost back to normal. We have resumed most of our therapy and she is going to school much of the week. This past weekend we moved back into our home that was damaged from the storm. The work was due to be finished on Thursday of this past week, but they are running a little behind. Her room is almost done and we were able to move in. We are still living out of boxes but at this point I am just glad to be all together again. I do believe Annabel thrives on all the excitement (or dysfunction) of a busy home! She is always in someones arms or being entertained.
Tonight my 21 year old called and asked me to bring a thermometer and Tylenol over to his house. He said he felt he had fever and and hurt everywhere. So I sent Mel to pick him up. Sure enough, his fever was in excess of 102. In my book you always need your mommy when sick no matter what the age, right?
Annabel is sleeping through the night again and I am grateful. Thanks to everyone for their prayers and well wishes on our behalf.
yey for moving back home! happy annabel is in good spirits.
I just love that your 21 year old called you.....I love that!
Im so gald Annabel is feeling better...Spring is coming!
Glad your home. It feels better than any place in the world. I'm so happy to hear that Annabel is feeling more like her self. Ash is starting to come around too. Big sigh of relief! Enjoy your home, your baby, and taking care of your son. I love that he knew who could make it better for him! Take care my friend. Trish
Glad to hear that Annabel is fine & finally back to home sweet home. Hope to see more of Annabel's cheerful photos...
Thanks for the post, friends and family from Baton Rouge La. to Hood River Oregon were asking about her.
Thank you for the up-date. I have missed seeing her so much. Glad to know she is doing better. Hugs and Kisses.
It must feel good to be "home" again. We miss you guys and hope we can get together sooner than later. Happy for you to hear that Annabel is sleeping through the night. Means you are too. : )
Dear Cathy and sweet Annabel,
Thanks for sharing your good news of being home again. So excited to hear that she is feeling so much more like herself and that your routine is getting back to "normal" again.
Hoping your son is feeling better all ready. I know that you are taking good care of him and that he is going to get better faster under your care. Just keep him away from Annabel! :)
So glad your beautiful family is back home. Warms my heart to think of it and in cold Michigan that's a very good thing!
Love you!!!
Thank God Cathy,
I am so very glad to hear this good news. I hope your son is feeling better soon too.
I am so excited for you to be back home where you belong. And double excited that Annabel is doing so much better. I am so thankful for answered prayers, sweet little girls, and wonderful friends like you are to me. I love you.
Love and Hugs, Laurie
I have to say that she is just the most photogenic little girl! She seems to KNOW she is getting her picture taken, doesnt' she?? I love her smile.
Wa hooooo!!! You are back home! I can imagine it feels great even if you are in boxes.
Annabel looks so good, it seems in the picture that she has grown a bit. Maybe it is the camera angle but she does look a bit bigger. Always suh good medicine for my soul to see her smiling face!
so great seeing annabel's big smile :) that's great that your family is back home again! and i think you are right - it doesn't matter how old you get, nobody can make you feel better like mommy can ;)
That is great that you are back home, Annabel looks wonderful! I think it's sweet that your big kid son called you. :)
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