It hit home with me as Annabel was full of her smiles, love, out loud laughter and just her awesome goodness. Yes, I love each and everyone of my children for who they are. I thought my life was as blessed as it could be after each one of them and truly thought he was done with blessing me as far as children go. There is just something about these special ones! They can melt you in a moment with no words just how they speak in their silence, smiling through their eyes and with their silky touch. Today at therapy, Annabel shirt said "100% sweet" and her therapist Meg commented that she was probably the only child she knew that could wear this and it be absolutely TRUE! Of course, I beamed because she is just so sweet and she was working so hard at each thing Meg had her doing. At other times Meg had said that Annabel is a good end to her day because of how much love Annabel gives to her and just how joyful she is. This is true, at work, play, sickness or whatever, this baby girl is God's absolute perfection. Thank you, Jessica for reminding us today how LUCKY and BLESSED we are to be their mothers!

Annabel looking like a sweet teddy bear watching her sisters soccer game tonight!!!

i totally agree! she really is the only angel who could wear that shirt!
~LaLa (Lauren)
I just love seeing her standing in front of the mirror and the look of concentration on her sweet face as she "works" it. Annabel is such a special little girl, and I don't mean the "special needs" kind of special here. I mean the "unique" and one of a kind little girl that God made her to be. No one else exactly like her. And I believe the "real cure" here is the one that takes place in our hearts to accept hers and Alex's uniqueness and learn from them. I know I have learned so much by them and have so much more to learn to. They unlock the trust in my heart that lets me know that our God does not make mistakes, ever. I love you Cathy and I just love who Annabel is too. Have a great week my friend.
Love and Hugs, Laurie
PS. Bunny has arrived and I just have to package it up and get it in the mail.
Definitely 100% Sweet!!! What a blessing too!
She is 100% sweet, anyone who has ever meet her has seen it right off the bat. I know she took hold of my family and I heart the very first time see seen her smile. We love her very much.
Love Susan (Aunt Roorooroo)
Where did you get that teddy bear blanket thing?
Love those pictures, and I love Annabel.
It was Alex who reminds me everyday to be greatful for whatever moment we are in good or bad.
Awwwwww she realllyyyy is such a cutie!!!
annabel is 100% sweet! she looks like she's doing so great. i love the look on her face in the pic where she is sitting down staring at all of the toys that santa must have brought her :) i can't wait to see you guys this summer!
Wa hooooo look at her go. Her expression is just priceless, you can see how she is trying and how much she enjoys her pt.
I also wanted to let you know that Amber had her sweet baby boy today. So far little Mason is thrilling them all. He looks good for now and everyone is loving all over him.
Thanks for the comments Cathy. This morning I got a call from Karina and baby Mason is holding his own and doing well!!! Praise God for moments more you can follow Mason's story on his Great Aunt Karina's blog There are some pictures posted there.
Thanks for caring so much! Annabel is so lucky to have you... and I think you are lucky to have her!
My compliments on your therapist.
Annabel is so beautiful and just exudes joy!!! Praise God!
She knows she is cherished by her wonderful mom and her entire family so she has much to be happy about! Not to mention extended family, friends, teachers, therapists, and all of us out here in the blogoshere!
The "teddy bear" is too cute...
Prayers continue!
Oh my goodness! I just LOVE seeing those pictures. She is amazing! I continue to pray for all of you and am so blessed to come here and be able to see how you love Annabel for exactly who God made her to be. You are all amazing!
I love the bear suit, but the honey inside is my favorite.
Just a quick note! Little Mason got to go home with Mom and dad on Friday and they are staying with Amber's Mom. Big brother Jaxon is getting some special time with Mason too.
Although time may be short in the end they are rejoicing that they get so many firsts with this special little guy.
Thanks for caring so much!
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