Only just a couple weeks ago when Med placed Annabel in the walker each time she tried to move her leg forward for her, she would collapse, so therefore Meg used immobilizers on her legs. She was walking good distances with this. But this week Annabel hasn't needed the immobilizers and seems to be giving us help with picking one leg and moving it forward with much less help and no collapsing. She also walked with no walker and no immobilizers on her legs yesterday.
Her therapist also began working with Annabel in this 3 sides cage type contraption (Universal Exercise Unit) and she uses bungee cords strapped to a belt in her lower hip area. It frees her therapist hand up to work with Annabel and has Annabel controlling her trunk in an upright position. Just a couple weeks ago Annabel could not stand on one leg and in these pictures from yesterday she can now stand on one foot for a good period of time. She has also learned to squat down and then stand herself back up. Again, she is well and healthy and when this happens Annabel is a sponge that soaks up everything she is taught. She is such a hard worker and doesn't complain. Meg says this is very tiring on a child with such low muscle tone. I am so proud of this baby girl for her drive to improve.

Today Annabel had a small procedure in the day surgery at our local hospital. My friend Connie daughter Mallorie had hers replaced last week when she was hospitalized for a respiratory infection. She loves it and I went for a consult yesterday and Dr. H scheduled it for this morning. It is a combination of a mic-key button and Annabel's type called a Bard button. Since Annabel has received her Bard button it is very hard not to have spillage. Like the Mic-key that has a locking button, Annabel's type of button just comes out with little movement or if we accidentally hit it, the milk spills. It was suppose to be a simple procedure, but for some reason Annabel had more bleeding and seepage of something, not sure what. The doctor looks up at the nurse right after placing the new button and said to the nurse "What is all that?" I literally had to kneel on the floor trying not to faint. I have worked for oral surgeon and seen plenty of blood. This was on my baby and hearing the Dr. say what is all this (bloody mixture everywhere) made me weak. She did ok in the afternoon but tonight is very sore and uncomfortable. I am praying that in the morning she will be her happy self. Thank you for visiting and wish each one of you a Happy Holiday Season!


I was reminded by a sweet visitor on Annabel's blog named Penny ( who made a thought provoking post on her site and asked a great question for this time of the year. The question she closed with is this "Who do you know that has made a sacrifice???" Christmas always conjures up memories of children for me. I guess it all began with the birth of Christ, the baby in the manger! For whatever reason God chose for me not to be able to give birth. But He did choose to bring five wonderful ladies into my life. Tammy, Denise, Karen, Melissa, and Amanda made HUGE sacrifices for me to become the mother of my six beautiful children. No, I didn't know years ago going through fertility treatment and never experiencing a pregnancy that He had far greater plans for me. I will again say thank you for these selfless women who made the hugest sacrifice and these sacrifices continue to bless me each year!
Beautiful heart felt post Cathy. I am grateful for these 5 wonderful ladies who gave to you your 6 wonderful treasures in your life. And if you are in touch with any of them, I am sure their hearts are full to know how you have treasured and nurtured their gift. Blessings seem to always come full circle. I am amazed at Annabel and her therapy. She is making such wonderful progress Cathy, and she is so proud of herself. I just love it and I love you too my friend. Praying Gods blessings all over you today and the days ahead.
Love and Hugs, Laurie
Great job Annabel! I'm so proud of all your hard work! Hope your tube site starts feeling better soon!
What a wonderful reminder for us, the sacrifices that have been made for us! Thank You!
Laurie, you mentioned if I have kept in touch with them and the answer is yes. It is hard not to look at them when you put them to bed, or you just have these moments of unbelievable gratefulness that you just can't help but think of them. I actually searched all of mine out to open each adoption, of course, for my children's sake. They know them and have great respect for their birthmothers and they know how the day each one was born they gave huge chunks of their hearts away. My secret promise was to do my best in raising them to know love and when they grew up they would know how much she loved them! My children are all able to reunite at 18 if all is agreeable. So far each reunion has been special in their own way. Thank you for caring so much and loving Annabel! I would love one day that you could meet her and see her precious love.
annabel looks absolutely amazing. it is so great to see her doing so well. i hope her belly starts feeling better after her surgery, you just never know how these kiddos are going to react do you? i am sure my legs would have been feeling pretty weak seeing that as well. she looks like she's really happy and proud of herself in the pictures :)
Love this post...Annabel is doing so great in therapy making fast advances!!!
Thank you for sharing this.
Thank you for your blog. I am due in Feb with a T18 daughter. No matter what happens to her, your families story gives hope and reminds me what's important and why where here. Thanks again.
Cathy the pictures of your beautiful daughter ALWAYS make me smile! She reminds me so much of my Peanut. Her hair, her smile, her eyes. They could be sisters. :)
Very beautiful and touching tribute to the women who gave birth to your children.
I'm very impressed with her progress, too. Your pride in Annabel is well-placed.
Merry Christmas!
Hoping and praying that Annabel's new G-button site is healing fast with no further complications! Poor Mommy to hear (and see!)that!
Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful pictures and letting us all know of her amazing progress! Makes me want to burst
with pride so I can only imagine how it must make you feel!
Your tribute to your children's birth mothers is beautiful. A very dear friend of mine relinquished a baby to a wonderful family she chose in an open adoption. Keeping in touch means so very much to both birth mother and child! Bless you so for doing that for your beatiful children!
My laptop was down for nearly a week and I was having such Annabel withdrawal! Fortunately the tech came today to replace the "motherboard". Audio isn't working, still needs some "tweaking" to get it back up to par. Hoping my husband will know how to do it!
Much love and all the very best blessings God has to give for you and your family!
Merry Christmas dear friend!
I am writing again this morning to let you know that as soon as I get it, I will send it to Annabel. Check in at Alex's and see what I am talking about, it's green:) I couldn't resist. I got one for Mallorie too and a spare for me:) Then when you guys are posting about G-buttons, I will feel included:) I love you girl.
Merry Christmas, Annabel and family!
We are wishing you a most blessed new year!!
Holly & Morgan
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