God does answer our prayers! Annabel had a much better day today. She had only two episodes that we placed her on oxygen today. She seemed to have less choking and gagging spells. She slept fairly good last night, even though I didn't due to her pulse ox alarming with two times in the low 50's and taking a while to return to acceptable levels. I even changed the leads thinking something was wrong. Most of the other alarms were just in the low 80's. I really think she just sleeps so deep and just for a bit forgets to breath. This is really common with our babies, but Annabel didn't ever seem to have so many. I am so grateful to everyone for their prayers and support. To a friend who came by to watch Annabel this afternoon so I could unpack some boxes without worrying about Annabel. When Annabel was little I could not do anything unless she was napping. As she got older I was able to put a movie in and take my shower or leave the room and not be so nervous. These last two weeks have been as bad as they use to be. So you can imagine how nice it was today to leave the room and know she was o.k. I also want to thank my friend, Dr. B who was so nice to offer maybe some reason for what is happening. I will be following up tomorrow with appts. as we drive to Houston for her 3 appts. concerning urology. Your words of kindness and support are heard and I wish I could respond to each one of you via email but have been short on time. If things continue as they did today, things should calm by the end of the week. I truly believe that God knows when we need a break in the stress we experience and he surely knows what we can handle. I am so blessed that he trusted me with this precious life he created.
i'm so glad she had a better day~ Anna has been on my mind everyday. and boy have i prayed for the little angel. God is soooo.... tired of hearing from me the past few days. He is probably like, "I get it already!" lol Just know that there isn't a day that goes by that i don't pray for you and Anna. Luv ya'll and don't give up hope for an answer~ If God wants an answer to come he will send it~
~Lala (Lauren)
So glad she's beginning to feel better; I'm also glad your doctors may be able to find out why this is happening, as that's always a first step to being able to put it right.
Praise the Lord! I have been so worried about your sweet Annabel! I'll be praying that she continues to get better! This post brought me to tears, literally! You are such a wonderful mommy to Annabel and I love hearing you say how blessed you feel for being trusted to take care of her! She and you are truly blessings to many!
Continued prayers for Annabel and for you too Cathy. I am so glad that she is feeling better and pray you get some solid answers for her. I love you.
Laurie in Ca.
So glad to see that Annabel is feeling a bit better. She is always in our prayers, she has such an infectious smile. I hope you are holding up...... it is so hard on us when our little ones aren't feeling well and the answers aren't found.
What a miracle & blessing she is!!
Im so glad she had a better day, and you could leave the room in peace.
Love you!!!!
Thank you Jesus for answering our prayers. May little Annabel continue on the road of recovery and may doctors have answers for her mom. May the appointments go well with the doctors. Please give them all the medical wisdom and knowledge of what how to treat Annabel.
Please give Cathy that peace that passes all understanding as she loves and so dilegently cares for "our" sweet Annabel. Please give her energy and health and restful nights.
Please continue to bless and keep this amazing family close to You, Father.
In Jesus Name. Amen.
I am so glad she is doing better. God does hear all the prayer we are sending up his way. Please give her hug and kisses for Aunt Roo.
Love Susan
Thanks for the sweet pic, so glad to see her resting peacefully! (Can almost hear her snoring, Ha) Will keep the prayers coming for more good days and the peace that comes with those days. Janell Ford
yeah Miss Annabel! I am so glad you are feeling a bit better! Abby and prayed for you tonight that God would help you get off oxygen tonight all together and that all the other stuff would go away and mommy would get answers. We love you so and are with you in thought and prayers!
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