Come again another day! That is what preoccupies my mind at this point. As far as Annabel, she is on her fourth antibiotic within 4 weeks. We do know right before the storm she had a UTI, then when we evacuated she continue to get sick and with a visit to the ER found she had another. Of course, now we have a respiratory infection. She is struggling with her mucous and getting that up and out. Lots of gagging and retching. She has happy periods but much of the time looks tired. Watery eyes, runny nose and not much energy. None of the meds that had dried her up before, or even the antibiotics are working. Breathing treatment that normally make things better are doing nothing. We did have much water in our home due to roof damage and when I am out for a while, I can really smell when I come home. We had our visit from our nursing supervisor today and she commented (nicely) that she could smell the water, musty smell. We thought our adjuster would be out this past Saturday, but he ended up at my husbands office saying that is what he would look at. So with all that, myself and the girls will be moving in the next week or so. Maybe two weeks hopefully at the longest. It is a new home and just around the corner but had no damage. It will be nice and clean for Annabel. If we were to stay here all the construction would be too hard on her also.
I am sorry for the delay in posting but there is not much to be said. I will say again that we were very blessed concerning the storm. Each day we are reminded of the people we know who have no home at all! The pictures each day are on the news, church groups volunteering, our childrens clubs from school are donating their time to help clean up the badly hit areas, food banks are asking for donations. It is so good to see everyone come together and help out their neighboring towns.
On Sunday, I was so blessed to have Connie and her family watch Annabel. It allowed us the day to drive to the beach to actually see the damage up close. We had seen aerial views, but it was nothing like being on the ground. Before we even reach the highway that the beach runs along, the smell made its way to us. You have to go between a check point to show ownership and your identification of who all is in the car. This is good as it keeps the looters and the people just wanting to look out for a time. They only allowed traffic in during certain times and then you could only return after 2 in the afternoon until 4 p.m. Everyone out by 4:00 p.m. then you could return the next day if you needed to salvage more. One day was enough for us. There was nothing left. No pictures, pieces of furniture, dishes or anything to bring home. I will post a picture of the slab and the one piling left with our address numbers on it. The roads if still there were covered with much sand. We had two golf carts and we found one across the highway and in a body of water upside down. We could see pieces of our roof (shingles were blue) and the siding was a choc. brown that were all over. I think the saddest part of all this is that the cars along the sides of the highway that you just assume were residents trying to leave too late. The cars look as if they were washed off of the highway and ended up in a pasture with sand piled up around them. They have not released the death toll from the beach as we are told there are still hundreds unaccounted for. It was good to go see what happened to our home, but it was sad to see the devastating loss others suffered who lived there year round.
This post is not very uplifting but maybe that is why I haven't made a post. My prayer is that Annabel will get back to her happy self very soon and her energy level will pick up. She is doing so well in her therapy, sitting for such long periods of time, getting on all fours, and even doing some standing. When she is well, she is a hard worker and love to accomplish new things.
We do have a couple personal things going on within our home so if you could just pray for these things to resolve or settle in the best ways possible. Thank you so much for caring and checking in on Annabel.

Oh my...these pictures make it all so real. So sweet to see her sweet smiling face!
oh Cathy, I am in shock just looking at these photos! I can't believe it... I am so glad that you are safe.. I know that I've said that many times, but these photos just bring reality to light and I am so glad you all are safe!
I am so sorry that little miss is not doing well, bless her heart, she is so sensitive... I so wish I could do something for her and you... I so wish we were closer!
Please call me or e-mail me... I am here for you friend!
Prayers being said on you and your family's behalf!
love you all!
Im glad that you are safe.
I hate that nothing seems to be working with the congestion, that is so scary. I pray she is herself soon.
Those pictures of her sitting up are precious!
I cannot believe the pictures! I am so sorry you you and the others who have gone through so much! You all are in my prayers - especially sweet Annabel! My husband works for State Farm and has put in to go to Texas to work. He may be gone from right before Thanksgiving through Christmas. We will miss him, but know that others need him and his help! Thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers!
Poor little Annabel! I hope that you get better real soon sweet girl!
I'm so sorry that you are having to deal with such destruction! It must be hard! I'll be praying that things go well for you and for all the families affected by this! Hang in there!
I'm so sorry for the loss of your home down there. I know, like you said, that many others live year-round down there... but also don't discount all that you have to do. It is a TON of work and especially with you moving into another house temporarily there is still lots to get done. I know it is a lot of work and I will be praying that it goes smoothly and the transition is as easy as possible. I will obviously be praying for Annabel to heal from the current infections and that her meds will start working.
It's so hard to see those pictures with nothing, but it is such a blessing to see sweet lil girl with her smile!
Love lots and praying,
So very sorry to hear of the loss of your home; I am sure that you will be able to rebuild, better than ever, but that won't stop you grieving for what you have lost.
And also sorry to hear that "my namesake" isn't just so well right now. Praying for her and you, as always.
I am so sorry to see the reality of your loss in these pictures. I know that you guys had such wonderful get aways there as a family but I am so thankful that you all made it through alright. I am praying that something works for Annabel really soon and that she will be feeling great again.
Praying for those personal things you mentioned too my friend. If you need to talk, you know where to find me. I am here for you and will be praying for peace and good results in getting your home back in order. You certainly don't need mold to compromise Annabels condition further. Know I love you and am praying for you Cathy.
Love and Hugs, Laurie in Ca.
cathy, wow - those photos really show how devastating Ike was. i'm sorry that you lost your beach house, but at least your family is safe. hopefully moving to the new house will help annabel get rid of her infections. kaiya is really sensitive to mold and i'm sure what she goes through isn't anywhere near what your lil sweety is going through. we'll be thinking of your family and sending warm thoughts your way!
Can't imagine losing a whole house...one minute its there next there's nothing left. life is so fragile isn't it? our frailty is humbling. Hope Annabel's UTI gets better. Hope the new place will suit her better.
Tears come to my eyes at all that you have to deal with right now...and those pictures....Wow. I am so sorry for all that you have lost. The pictures tell it all.
I will be praying for Annabel and your family and the unspoken needs. I may have shared this verse with you before (sorry if I did)...it is such a foundation for me right now and pray it encourages you as well.
"You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, For in YAH, the Lord, is everlasting strength." Isaiah 26:3-4
Thank you for updating us all on how you all are doing. Praying Annabel responds quickly to all treatments.
In Christ's love-Stacy
Wow!! I am so glad that you guys are ok! i wish that Annabel was feeling better..hopefuly with the move to a new house she wull get better. I hope it doesn't take too long to get your home fix..take care and praying for you guys!!
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