The conference clinics began on Thursday. We were able to see a doctors concerning her feeding issues, her kyphosis, and her teeth grinding. Other things were discussed but these were the clinics that we were put in. This year they didn't have specialist in urology or G.I. which are her bigger issues. But each doctors took all the time needed and made great suggestions. What is so amazing about these doctors that they are donating their time to meet with us. Also, they are willing to see the children as people and, as parents, we do not have to justify to them why they deserve the treatment. They believe in all of these children and that their precious lives are worth living. Many doctors we see in Texas have never encountered Trisomy babies, so it is nice that these doctors know the different issues that our babies face.
Thursday evening was the Welcoming Dinner. Our dinner was great but our company was the best. We were lucky enough to sit by the family who was in charge of welcoming at our first conference the year before. Eric and Melissa are the parents of Ella. We met her last year and feel so blessed to have known her. You see right after the conference Ella passed away. She was a most beautiful little girl who was 5 years old with Trisomy 18. The night was filled with such emotion. We talked of Ella and her short life and the impact of how she touch so many. They have two precious little boys named Luke and Gabe. The amazing story is that Melissa found out she was pregnant two days after Ella's passing. Through their loss and sorrow a most beautiful child is born. Eric's sister came to the conference with them. She is a NICU nurse and I know such a blessing to their family. She is the perfect aunt to these children and so obviously loved Ella. We are so thankful that we were able to spend time at the conference with their family.
On Friday came the workshops. Our first workshop was given by Dr. Steven Cantrell. He and his wife lost their precious son to T18 and he continues to give his time each year to the conference. Because of him last year, we learned how painful the sun is to Annabel's eyes. Also, with her long eyelashes, we were given advise on how to care for them. Each year he brings these special sunglasses to give to our children. He takes time to fit them one by one. The balloon release on Saturday is in memory of their son Ryan and sponsored by them each year. It is a beautiful tradition that I was able to attend this year. More on the balloon release later... My second workshop was on Hippotherapy. This is therapy done on a horse. I have been very interested in this but have yet to find a facility within close range. It is amazing to learn of what all the benefits are to these children. There were parents whose children are in this type of therapy and their stories are so positive.
Friday evening I was able to go out with my family. We went to a great mall where everyone shopped and then to dinner. It was nice to hear what all their experiences were thus far. I do believe next year they would take a larger part in the conference experience. The whitewater rafting trip was put on by the conference and was a great experience which all of them enjoyed.
Saturday morning began with the video of the children, living and deceased. It is set to the most beautiful music and as you can imagine many tears were shed. Two families whose children went to Heaven since the last years conference we able to speak and share precious stories of their little ones. These children in such a short period touched so many others. About 11:15 we loaded the buses to go to Boulder for the balloon release. It was held at the University of Colorado there in Boulder. The setting was amazing with tents and food for everyone. The picnic is the first event, then socializing, and lastly the balloon release. One of the things I wanted the most was to meet Mieko's parents. I had seen pictures of them on Mieko's website, but wasn't sure if I would recognize them. Luckily, right after I finished my lunch I saw a lady that resembled the pictures so I asked if it was her. We spoke for awhile and then she brought her husband over. They asked to see Annabel and it was very hard. These children with Trisomy 18 all have similar features and it is very hard on the ones whose children have passed. We hugged, looked at pictures of Mieko in a photo album, and just talked about what happened. What beautiful people they are. Mieko passed a few weeks before so it was sad and you could tell they were missing her. The devoted their entire lives to getting Mieko everything she needed. Again God is so awesome, as Maya is carry their second child. This family needs our prayers for their hearts and arms that ache for Mieko and also for the health of this precious child they are carrying. I am so grateful for the chance to meet this family face to face. Thank you, Maya and Shawn for all the help you have given to Annabel and myself.
After socializing came the balloon release. They released over 300 balloons with children's names attached. There were poems read, prayers said, and beautiful music played. The day was perfect with blue skies. So many tears were shed as each family watched the balloons until they could see them no more. I had missed this the first year due to Annabel being sick and leaving early, but I hope to never miss this again. The evening ended with an auction full of fun and laughter. We were able to spend time with families from last year and meet many new ones. We were so happy to see Akaiya and her mom Kelly, Morghan and her parents Faye and Mark, the Marohn family including Inger (Ella's aunt), and the entire Knoebel clan who spent much time with Annabel. Some of our new friends that we met this year were Ava and her mom Billy Jo, Arianna and her family, Lillian and her parents, Corinne (our wonderful support person at clinicswhose precious daughter is in Heaven), the Papillion family whose baby is in Heaven, and so many others.
I need to thank my family for going along so I didn't feel I had to leave anyone behind. To all of my family for helping and loving Annabel for another year! To Tara who missed out on some personal time so she could help me with Annabel>

What a beautiful experience! God has truly placed special people on this earth to take care of his most special angels! My prayer is that you are renewed for another year! Janell Ford
Wow how blessed are you to have met Tamara in person! it looks like everyone had a great time and made some awesome memories! Anabel you just look so cute in all the pictures..hope that you are infection free too :) Have a great week..
Wonderful! Thank you so very much for sharing people met, friendships renewed, help from compassionate physicians, and precious moments from the conference!
Cathy, you show us our prayers in action! The parents are all so wonderful and the little ones so amazing! I can only imagine how much being together in such a positive, warm environment renews strength and enthusiasm to all who attend.
Praising God for all of you being able to be there. Praying the spiritual and emotional uplift will continue as you and your family continue to love and care for "our" precious Annabel who you are so generous to share with all of us!!!
I love you and thank the Lord for your amazing family! You are all such a blessing!!!
I am so proud of your entire family to have taken the time to go to the conference. I know there is a great amount of knowledge gained, but how exhausting. I love the pictures and hearing the stories of the other children. Annabel is so blessed from birth with her health and the family God chose for her. There is so much to be thankful for, I thank God for bringing her into my life. She is a great reminder of his love. Her easy smile and loving acceptance of everyone is a testimony to you.
Sounds like you had a very busy, beneficial and uplifting week! I'm so glad that you were able to participate in such a wonderful experience!
Prayers continue for your adorable Annabel and your most precious family! May God Bless You!
Alicia and Gavin
Wow Cathy,
You sound really blessed and good!! I am so happy that this was more than you expected and your family shared in the experience. How blessed and refreshing to connect with the special people who travel this same road you are on. The understanding must be incredible and so confirming. I am so glad you mentioned the similarities with these precious children. I have seen it over and over, and all I can think of in my heart is that God in His infinite wisdom, gives these similarities to show that they BELONG to Him. The features are heavenly and so pure, not a coincidence or condition. I see His love. I hope that your heart and soul are so refreshed and full of joy in this Season. I love you Cathy and am so glad that you were able to experience this time.
Love and Hugs, Laurie in Ca.
I am so grateful that you and Tamara got to meet. I know she had a great time with you. She showed me all of the beautiful pictures you all took and how amazing you are and beautiful annabel is.
Looks like Miss Annabel had a great time with her friends~ What a great experience, to meet all these people you talk to year round that experience most the same things you and Annabel do everyday. I'm glad you all had a great trip!
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