Annabel will be having surgery today at 2:30pm. Please keep her in your prayers. We will not know which surgery, PEG or fundoplication, will be performed until the doctor has already begun. Pray that they find a vein for the IV which is always a struggle with her, for the anesthesiologist to be able to get the tube down her throat, and that the procedure is performed with accuracy. Thank you everyone for your support and I will keep the page updated as information arrives.
Thanks to everyone for their prayers. They got a vein with just a little trouble and her airway was successful. As we hoped, she is going to end up with just a PEG button placed along her stomach slightly off to the left side. If all goes well we will be home tomorrow afternoon. I am hoping to join Annabel very soon in recovery. Again, thank you for your prayers offered up on Annabel's behalf.
I just found out about Annabel through a dear friend and want you to know I have read her story and love her already. I will pray for her surgery today that the Lord guides the hands that touch this sweet girl, and that all will go perfectly in His hands. She is such a beautiful little girl and I will be following here with you from this day forward. You are so blessed to have such a little "princess warrior" on your hands. God truly knows best with what He creates, doesn't He? Praying for His peace over you today too. You have a wonderful family.
Love, Laurie in Ca.
I have been praying for Annabel since I woke up this morning! I look forward to hearing how she is doing. I am so glad we were able to talk for the first time yesterday, I really enjoyed our conversation.
Love, Yvette
Cathy, I am praying for sweet Annabel!
With love and prayers,
Thank you, God. I adore you Annabel and wish you all the best. I hope to see you soon. This will turn out for the best as now you will be more hydrated. I hope and pray that this will make you feel much better in the future. Ben and I love you dearly, and already miss you, so much. Edie
This is very good news. You must be so relieved and grateful this is over and I am praying for a smooth recovery for Annabel too and for home tomorrow. Jesus loves the little children and He is so good all the time.
Laurie in Ca.
We're so glad all went well with
Annabel's surgery. We will continue to keep her in our thoughts and prayers.
Holly & Morgan
I having been praying all day for sweet Annabel, I ask several of my friends also to keep a special little girl in their prayers. One of my 3rd grade classes overheard and wanted to pray with me, so lots of prayer going her way!!! Also keeping you and your family in my prayer, I know it is hard on all of you, but you will all be blessed for you willingness to care for one of God's little angels. Janell Ford
Everyone i know has said a little prayer for miss annabel and your family. And we pray for a quick and easy recovery. God Bless.
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