Connie made a visit about Annabel's little visit yesterday evening to the ER. She had been getting better day by day and yesterday just wasn't a great day with her breathing and her energy level. She has been struggling a little more at night with her oxygen levels and notice they were not normal yesterday during most of the day. Last night when she fell asleep the alarms began going off quickly. I don't like ER trips as to expose her to unnecessary germs. But the reality of another night being up all night and second guessing myself didn't sound good either. So I went...
They found no pneumonia, no RSV and no flu! What the doctor did find was an "exorbitant amount of gas"! No duh! Her tummy is distended and has been this week several times. He says with her tiny chest cavity that this is placing so much pressure on her trying to get oxygen and that is why her levels are lower than normal. Just darned oh pooh again! We were home by 3 a.m. and she is resting well now. Thank you for the words of encouragement and I do feel better that I know we are not having bigger respiratory issues.